The Oneida Indian Nation Scholarship Program offers a variety of choices for Members seeking financial assistance for their education as well as incentive rewards for those who demonstrate the commitment, dedication and hard work needed to achieve success. Financial aid and cash incentives are available through the program for eligible Members in kindergarten through doctoral level educational institutions.

Any enrolled Member of the Oneida Indian Nation is able to file an application to receive financial aid from the Oneida Indian Nation to pursue post-secondary education in a college degree program at a regionally, nationally, or internationally accredited institution; or a certificate program from a regionally, nationally, or internationally accredited institution.
More information about the program guidelines, eligibility and incentives is available at the Scholarship Program Office.
The Scholarship Office is open weekdays 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Members may make an appointment to meet one-on-one with the Scholarship Program Coordinator for assistance with the program guidelines and application, or to use the student study space provided in the office.
The office is located in the Ray Elm Children and Elders Center. Other important forms and helpful contacts can be found HERE.
Scholarship Program Policies and Procedures
Click here for a digital version of the Scholarship Program’s policies and procedures.