- Alcoholic Beverage Control Ordinance
- All-Terrain Vehicle Ordinance
- Athletic Safety Ordinance
- Business License Ordinance (Amended)
- Business Site Leasing Ordinance (Trust Lands)
- Business Site Leasing Ordinance
- Cannabis Ordinance
- Cultural, Historical or Archaeological Resources Ordinance
- Declaration of Irrevocable Waiver of Immunity
- Electric Vehicle Dealerships Ordinance
- Establishment of Nation Housing Department
- Establishment of the Oneida Indian Nation Court
- Foster Care Placement Ordinance
- Gaming Ordinance
- Hunting and Fishing Ordinance
- Land Regulation Ordinance
- Land Use, Environmental, Health and Safety Ordinance
- Nation Sex Offender Registration and Notification Ordinance (Amended)
- Parking Ordinance
- Pet Ordinance
- Public Assembly Ordinance
- Ordinance to Redevelop Housing on Territory Road
- Removal and Storage of Abandoned and Illegally Parked Vehicles
- Residential Leasing Ordinance
- Smoke Free Access
- Solid Waste Facility Ordinance
- Tax Ordinance
- Tort Claims Resolution Ordinance (Amended)
- Tribal Employment Rights Ordinance
- Wage and Hour Ordinance
- Workers Compensation Ordinance (Amended)
- Zoning Ordinance (Amended)
- Oneida Indian Nation Land Use and Zoning Standards
- Oneida Indian Nation Solid Waste Management and Processing Facility Regulations
- Oneida Indian Nation Regulations Governing Food Trucks and Food Trailers on Reacquired Land
- Oneida Indian Nation Regulations Governing the Sale and Storage of Sparkling Devices on Reacquired Land
- Oneida Indian Nation Regulations Governing Employer Policies for Prevention of Sexual Harassment
- Oneida Indian Nation Regulations Governing Employer Policies for Pay Transparency Compliance
- Oneida Indian Nation Regulations Governing Employer Policies for Paid Prenatal and Personal Leave Compliance
- Oneida Indian Nation Regulations Governing Employer Policies for Paid Family Leave Compliance
- Oneida Indian Nation Regulations Governing Employer Policies for the Protection of the Right of Nursing Employees to Express Breast Milk
- Oneida Indian Nation Regulations Governing Use and Possession of Cannabis and Operation of Cannabis Activities
- Oneida Indian Nation Wage and Hour Regulations
- Oneida Indian Nation Wage Notice/Order, Effective January 1, 2025
- Oneida Indian Nation Workers’ Compensation Regulations
- Oneida Indian Nation Regulations Governing E-Cigarettes and Vaping Products
- Oneida Indian Nation Regulations Governing the Sale and Distribution of Tobacco Products
- Oneida Indian Nation Tax Rules
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Short Title; Definitions; Applications; Certificates; Miscellaneous
- Chapter 2: Corporate Purposes and Powers
- Chapter 3: Corporate Name and Service of Process
- Chapter 4: Formation of Corporations
- Chapter 5: Corporate Finance
- Chapter 6: Shareholders
- Chapter 7: Directors and Officers
- Chapter 8: Amendments and Changes
- Chapter 9: Merger or Consolidation; Guarantee; Disposition of Assets
- Chapter 10: Non-Judicial Dissolution
- Chapter 11: Judicial Dissolution
- Chapter 12: Receivership
- Chapter 13: Foreign Corporations
- Full Document
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1:
- Chapter 2: Modification and Discharge of Obligations
- Chapter 3: Requirements for Effectiveness of Enforceability of Modification or Discharge
- Chapter 4: Accord and Satisfaction
- Chapter 5: Discharge of Surety
- Chapter 6: Obligations Barred by Statute of Limitations
- Full Document
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: General Provisions
- Chapter 2: Landlord/Tenant Responsibilities and Remedies
- Chapter 3: Grounds for Eviction/Notice to Quit/Pre-Eviction Options
- Chapter 4: Judicial Eviction Procedures
- Chapter 5: Mortgage and Foreclosure
- Chapter 6: [Reserved]
- Chapter 7: Oneida Indian Nation Home Contribution Program
- Chapter 8: Oneida Indian Nation Home Loan Guarantee Program
- Chapter 9: Inheritance
- Chapter 10: Non-Alienation of Nation Land, Use Rights and Homeowner Agreements, Sales, Recordation, Special Nation Requirements for Loans and Insurance
- Appendix I: Sample Use Rights and Homeowner Agreement
- Appendix II: Sample Secured Promissory Note
- Appendix III: Sample Pledge Agreement
- Full Document
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Short Title and Definitions
- Chapter 2: Formation
- Chapter 3: Service of Process
- Chapter 4: Management by Members or Managers
- Chapter 5: Contributions and Distributions
- Chapter 6: Members and Membership
- Chapter 7: Dissolution
- Chapter 8: Foreign Limited Liability Companies
- Chapter 10: Mergers
- Chapter 11: Miscellaneous
- Chapter 12: Professional Service Limited Liability Companies
- Chapter 13: Foreign Professional Service Limited Liability Companies
- Full Document
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Short Title; Definitions; Construction
- Chapter 2: Nature of Partnership
- Chapter 3: Relations of Partners to Person Dealing with the Partnership
- Chapter 4: Relations of Partners to One Another
- Chapter 5: Property Rights of a Partner
- Chapter 6: Dissolution and Winding Up
- Chapter 7: Business and Partnership Names
- Limited Partnerships
- Full Document
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: General Provisions
- Chapter 2: Principles of Criminal Liability
- Chapter 3: Defenses
- Chapter 4: Specific Offenses:
- Chapter 4A: Criminal Solicitation
- Chapter 4B: Conspiracy
- Chapter 4C: Attempt
- Chapter 4D: Offenses Against the Person Involving Physical Injury, Sexual Conduct, Restraint and Intimidation
- Chapter 4E: Offenses Involving Damages to and Intrusion Upon Property
- Chapter 4F: Offenses Involving Theft
- Chapter 4G: Offenses Involving Fraud
- Chapter 4H: Bribery Involving Public Servants and Related Offenses
- Chapter 4I: Offenses Against Public Health, Morals
- Chapter 4J: Offenses Against Public Order, Public Sensibilities and the Right to Privacy
- Chapter 4K: Offenses Against Public Sensibilities
- Chapter 4L: Offenses Against the Right to Privacy
- Chapter 4M: Offenses Against Public Safety
- Chapter 4N: Operating a Motor Vehicle While Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
- Chapter 4O: Sex Offender Registration
- Full Document
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: General Provisions
- Chapter 2: Sales
- Chapter 2: Part 1: Short Title, General Construction and Subject Motion
- Chapter 2: Part 2: Form, Formation and Readjustment of Contract
- Chapter 2: Part 3: General Obligation and Construction of Contract
- Chapter 2: Part 4: Title, Creditors and General Faith Purchases
- Chapter 2: Part 5: Performance
- Chapter 2: Part 6: Breach, Repudiation and Excuse
- Chapter 2: Part 7: Remedies
- Article 2A: Leases
- Full Document
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: General Provisions
- Chapter 2: Commencement of Proceedings
- Chapter 3: Trial
- Chapter 4: Judgment and Sentence
- Chapter 5: Arrest
- Chapter 6: Search and Seizure
- Chapter 7: Authorized Sentences and Dispositions
- Chapter 8: Diversions
- Chapter 9: Bail
- Chapter 10: Expungement of Records
- Chapter 11: Victim Rights
- Chapter 12: Police
- Full Document
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: General Provisions
- Chapter 2: Judicial Notice
- Chapter 3: Presumptions in Civil Actions and Proceedings
- Chapter 4: Relevancy and its Limits
- Chapter 5: Privileges
- Chapter 6: Witnesses
- Chapter 7: Opinions and Expert Testimony
- Chapter 8: Hearsay
- Chapter 9: Authentication and Identification
- Chapter 10: Contents of Writings, Recordings and Photographs
- Chapter 11: Miscellaneous Rules
- Full Document
Contact Us
- Government Programs Officer – Lyndon Greene, 829-8918
Oneida Indian Nation Member Benefits
577 Main Street
Oneida, NY 13421
(315) 829-8335 or (800) 685-6115
The Education Department, Nation Library, Scholarship Program and Early Learning Center are all located at:
Ray Elm Children and Elders Center
5000 Skenondoa Way
Oneida, NY 13421
(315) 829-8200
For the Early Learning Center, call (315) 829-8155.
The Oneida Language Program is located in the former Health Services building on Territory Road.
Health Services
Dream Catcher Plaza
2057 Dream Catcher Plaza
Oneida, NY 13421
Call (315) 829-8700 or 1-800-663-4324 for medical, dental and behavioral health.
Elders Program
5000 Skenondoa Way
Oneida, NY 13421
(315) 829-8133. Call for information regarding the daily meal program, trips and other activities.
Recreation Center/Gymnasium
Territory Road
Oneida, NY 13421
(315) 829-8484
All GP&S calendar activities are open to Oneida Indian Nation Members, children of enrolled Oneidas and registered Oneida Indian Nation Health Services clients, unless otherwise stated. The calendar is published monthly. Please direct calendar questions to the appropriate department.